Posted on 12/31/2019

Road trips aren’t reserved for warmer months. Some of the most beautiful road trips are during winter when everything is a magical white. It may be cold, but if you prepare ahead of time, you will stay warm and safe. The best way to stay safe is to be smart about your driving. Giving yourself plenty of room around you, having properly fitted chains, not being in a hurry can all add up to safe driving that will get you to where you want to be rather than stuck in a ditch. You’ll also want to make sure your vehicle is in prime driving condition. Here are a few things you’ll want to check on plenty ahead of time in case you need an adjustment or repair: Tires: Look for the proper tread depth, inspect for general wear and tear, and inflate tires accordingly knowing that they tend to expand and retract based on weather. Proper inflation alone can help your tires grip the road. Lights: All lights need to be in proper working order. Check headlights, running l ... read more