Posted on 12/31/2020

Welcome to 2021! We hope you and your family have managed to cope in the past year. 2021 will likely have challenges of its own, but here’s to positivity and grace in the New Year. Speaking of the New Year: have you made any resolutions yet for 2021? We’ve compiled a short list of the sins we think need the most addressing to keep the roads safe… small commitments you can make to improve the driving around Hamburg. Paying attention: There’s so many distractions in a car these days. Phones, chatty passengers, kids… it’s important to get our distractions sorted before you begin driving. Set your phone up as hands free, ask your passenger to let you concentrate on the road, and remind the kids to be on their best behavior until you reach your destination. And be sure to know the route you are taking before you start the journey, so there’s no fiddling with a navigation app in the middle of your trip! Defensive Driving ... read more